1. Single Shot 🥃 Package 

This package is just if you want a bartender(s) only.

4 hr. minimum service requirement. Licensed and Insured 

Services Guest: 50-100 

Estimate price: $350.00


2. Happy Hour Package

This package  is ideal for small networking mixers or corporate events.

This comes with everything the Champagne toast offers. 

Bartender(s) 4 hr. minimum service requirement.

Coolers and ice bar mixers, cocktail napkins and garnishment.

Alcohol pick up and delivery.

Services Guest: 20-50 

Estimate Price: $750-$1K


3.Cocktail 🍹 Package 

This package includes a bartender(s). 

4hr. minimum service requirement. Coolers ice, bar mixers,

cocktail napkins and garnishments.

Services Guest: 50-150 

Estimate price: $1.5K


4. Champagne 🥂 Toast Package 

Full Bar Service 

Bartender(s) 4 hr. minimum service requirement.

Coolers and ice bar mixers, cocktail napkins and garnishment.

Alcohol pick up and delivery.

 Services Guest: 50-200 

Estimate Price: $2K-$3K